Jiayi Eris Zhang1,2, Jérémie Dumas1, Yun (Raymond) Fei1, Alec Jacobson1,3, Doug L. James2, Danny M. Kaufman1
1Adobe Research, 2Stanford University, 3University of Toronto
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022)
Progressive simulation of cloth interactively draped on a marble bust. (Left) Progressive Cloth Simulation (PCS) provides custom coarse-level simulation of cloth quasistatics (here with 1.5K triangles) where users can easily perform interactive physics-based manipulation to achieve a desired draping outcome. (Middle) At any time, PCS resolves a progressively finer sequence of cloth meshes with self-consistent deformations at equilibrum (shown here with 5 levels). Furthermore, (Right) the resulting finest-level cloth solution (here with 371K triangles) is a fully converged simulation of the underlying cloth model’s equilibrium, complete with high-fidelity wrinkles, folds, and intersection-free frictional contact behavior that is consistent with the solutions previewed by the coarser levels. By enabling fine-level cloth simulation consistent with the original coarse-level interactive model, PCS provides an interactive and predictive way to perform high-fidelity cloth simulation.
The trade-off between speed and fidelity in cloth simulation is a fundamental computational problem in computer graphics and computational design. Coarse cloth models provide the interactive performance required by designers, but they can not be simulated at higher resolutions (“up-resed”) without introducing simulation artifacts and/or unpredicted outcomes, such as different folds, wrinkles and drapes. But how can a coarse simulation predict the result of an unconstrained, high-resolution simulation that has not yet been run?
We propose Progressive Cloth Simulation (PCS), a new forward simulation method for efficient preview of cloth quasistatics on exceedingly coarse triangle meshes with consistent and progressive improvement over a hierarchy of increasingly higher-resolution models. PCS provides an efficient coarse previewing simulation method that predicts the coarse-scale folds and wrinkles that will be generated by a corresponding converged, high-fidelity C-IPC simulation of the cloth drape’s equilibrium. For each preview PCS can generate an increasing-resolution sequence of consistent models that progress towards this converged solution. This successive improvement can then be interrupted at any point, for example, whenever design parameters are updated. PCS then ensures feasibility at all resolutions, so that predicted solutions remain intersection-free and capture the complex folding and buckling behaviors of frictionally contacting cloth.
author = {Zhang, Jiayi Eris and Dumas, J\`{e}r\`{e}mie and Fei, Yun (Raymond) and Jacobson, Alec
and James, Doug L. and Kaufman, Danny M.},
title = {Progressive Simulation for Cloth Quasistatics},
year = {2022},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
volume = {41},
number = {6},
journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.},
articleno = {218},